Course Content
Church History
A brief history of Wesley Church of Hope and the United Methodist Church.
Methodist Traditions
The Christian calendar and Holy holidays marking the birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ.
The Bible
Both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible serve as sources of primary guidance for our faith.
The United Methodist Church recognizes two sacraments – baptism and communion.
Starting Points
When you need encouragement and refreshment for your soul, turn to these Scriptures and topics.
Your Personal Spiritual Gifts
While all of life is a gift from God, these twenty gifts are lifted up within Scripture as the gifts of the Spirit, given specifically for the upbuilding of the body of Christ.
Discipleship involves a ministry of outreaching love and witness to others concerning Christ and God’s grace.
Welcome to the Fellowship
About Lesson

Rediscovering My Joy by Pastor Charles Ferguson

Spiritual Gifts

It is our firm belief that everyone is gifted by God and that each person is uniquely and beautifully equipped for ministry and mission. Giftedness is not about privilege or special skills and talents. It is about listening more deeply to, and following more fully, the deepest desires of our hearts and God’s leading in our lives. This is the call to all people of faith — laity or clergy, flashy or quiet, knowledgeable or seeking.

We believe, and history and experience have proven, that when a small group—even a handful—of passionate disciples open themselves to the leading of the Holy Spirit in an intentional, committed way, change will occur. Faith, love and hope spread like wildfire when we are filled with the Spirit. It is more important to offer ongoing opportunities for the passionate few to share their unfolding discoveries than it is to get everyone through the discovery process. We hope the assessment is a means of grace in the life of the body of Christ.

The 20 gifts below are those listed within the bible (Romans 12, Ephesians 4, 1 Corinthians 12–13), and recognized by the first-century church.  While all of life is a gift from God, these twenty gifts are lifted up within Scripture as the gifts of the Spirit, given specifically for the upbuilding of the body of Christ.


The gift of administration allows a person to organize people and resources for greater efficiency, effectiveness, and success. Read More

The gift of apostleship compels people to reach out to new and unfamiliar groups and individuals to invite them into relationship with God and community. Read More

The gift of compassion moves people to action on behalf of those in need. Read More

Discernment is a gift of deep intuition and insight. Read More

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